What to Do Now

Friends, I am deeply troubled.

Today, amid more turmoil than I’ve ever seen surrounding an election, the Oval Office gained a new inhabitant. Facebook — and doubtless every social media platform I don’t use — is abuzz with commentary. While some from both sides of the aisle are simply resigned, many liberals are angry; conversely, many conservatives are triumphant…gloating, even.

If you know me or my blog, you know that I avoid politics to the point of appearing (perhaps accurately?) wishy-washy. I will probably continue to do so in the future…but today, for a few moments, I will step into the messiness of this season with a simple plea.

Fellow Christians, please show the world around you, more fervently than ever, what it means to be a lover of Jesus.

Some believers abstained from voting because of Trump’s *ahem* questionable moral character. Others reluctantly voted for him because of the Supreme Court and the sanctity of life. Still others cast their vote as enthusiastically as if Trump were King David himself, a man after God’s own heart.

The world likes to accuse Christians of hypocrisy. It saddens me, as most of us who are honest will reply that the very sin nature that condemns us is the reason we need a Savior. However, I can’t help but wonder if they have a valid point these days.

We vilified Bill Clinton for his philandering, and many Christians considered him unworthy to be a leader because of his unfaithfulness to his wife. We now applaud a man whose behavior is no better, saying nobody is perfect and it’s irrelevant to his leadership abilities.

We read Galatians 5, which tells us that fruit of the Spirit includes faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, but swear that a man who displays none of these things — who admits to never having asked God for forgiveness — is probably a Christian simply because he says so.

Please understand: I am not claiming that voting for Trump is an indicator of one’s salvation (or its absence). Much could be said on the comparative virtues of voting against him, voting for him, or not voting at all. (I know and love believers who fall into all categories. Yes, I said that). Such a discussion is beyond the scope of this blog post, though.

My plea is simple: If you love Jesus, and want to have any hope of convincing those who don’t believe in Him that He is worthy of their faith and devotion, please model His love for the world to see.

Be compassionate.

Be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to become angry. (James 1:19).

Let your speech be always with grace. (Colossians 4:6).

Show those who associate Christianity with an insistence on wholeheartedly endorsing a brash, crude, pompous bulldozer of a man that loving Jesus looks so much different from what we’re seeing in the news.

Or, to put it in the words of Jesus Himself:

“Let your light so shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in Heaven.” (Matthew 5:16).